
Rondinone’s past projects

Rondinone makes art across an array of media, ranging from two-dimensional paintings to wax sculptures, and installations on the scale of landscape. Well known for his 2013 installation of anthropomorphic stone sculptures in New York City’s Rockefeller Plaza, Ronindone extends his sculptural exploration of physical space beyond the traditional confines of gallery walls or even a public plaza through Seven Magic Mountains. Rondinone’s body of work is extensive. Here, we highlight a few of the highly acclaimed public artworks for which the artist is known.

Land Art Continuum

Occupying a space between the stillness of the Nevada desert and the constant flux of people traveling between Los Angeles and Las Vegas along Interstate 15, the totemic forms of Seven Magic Mountains recall stone cairns marking the way for travelers passing through unfamiliar landscapes. Nearby Jean Dry Lake, a place integral to the history of Land Art in the American West, creates a resonant context for Seven Magic Mountains because of artworks made there by artists Jean Tinguely (1962) and Michael Heizer (1968). Rondinone invites visitors to contemplate the desert space and its history of human intervention. “Seven Magic Mountains elicits continuities and solidarities between human nature, artificial and natural, then and now,” states Rondinone.

Public Art

Public art is redefining the identities of places around the world. Seven Magic Mountains strengthens Nevada’s identity as a place that celebrates and supports the work of interesting artists, and draws attention to Las Vegas as it evolves into a city also known for the arts. Significantly, Seven Magic Mountains has been encouraged and supported by regional public-private partnerships that yield important economic and cultural development opportunities for Las Vegas and Nevada.

Seven Magic Mountains by Ugo Rondinone is produced by Art Production Fund, New York, and Nevada Museum of Art, Reno.

Human Nature
Human Nature, Rockefeller Plaza, New York, 2013. Organized by Public Art Fund. Learn more about the Human Nature exhibition. Learn more...
We Are Poems
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Moonrise. East
Moonrise. East, 2008, Basel; San Francisco Learn more...
Hell, Yes!
Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone has spent the last twenty years working in a diverse range of mediums, including painting, drawing, ... Learn more...
Sunrise, East
Ugo Rondinone worked in the Studio House on the creation of twelve mask-like heads, which he modeled in clay over ... Learn more...
Clockwork for Oracles
An iteration of this work will be on view at Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, February 4 – July 9, ... Learn more...
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Dog Days Are Over
7-channel video installation on 7 monitors (color, no sound), audio sensors Edition: 1/2 + 1 ap Dimensions variable Learn more...
Ugo Rondinone Born
Ugo Rondinone was born in 1964 to Italian parents in the resort town of Brunnen, Switzerland. “You Can Make Your ... Learn more...